Regeneration Church is led by a community of individuals who have faithfully demonstrated the character and competency of Jesus.
Dick & Anne Wiedenheft | Lead Pastor
Meet our Staff Team
Our Staff Team is responsible for the day-to-day operations of our church, pushing the mission forward through serving, equipping, and leading us to fulfill God's call on our life together.
Jenna and Mike Frisk | Discipleship Director
Kyla and Carmen Acierno | Children’s Ministry Director
Julia and Joey Mangeri | Worship Director
Meet the Oversight Team
Our Oversight Team derives its name from 1 Peter 5:1-5, in which elders, or overseers, are called to shepherd the flock of God among them. The Oversight Team offers visionary and shepherding leadership to our spiritual family through prayer, discernment, and offering our staff accountability as they carry out our mission.
Art and Pam Cooper
Terri Venetta
Dick and Anne Wiedenheft and Mike and Jenna Frisk also serve on the Oversight team.