Be Intentional

Making the decision to move from a church where I had been for over half a century to Regen was
difficult. Going from a place where I knew everyone and most of their relatives to a place where I would
be the “newbie” was a bit daunting.

Yet, I knew the Lord was guiding me and I needed to be intentional about making Regen my spiritual
home. And with a home, comes family. A sense of familiarity, trust, and belonging is all tied up with the
word “family” – even a spiritual one.

Kyle and Stephanie encouraged me that this sense of family would become more evident if I joined a small group. So, I took the plunge and joined a Huddle. Whoa! I was the only “newbie”, the oldest (they could have all been my grandkids) and I was definitely NOT comfortable. I considered bailing on the whole Huddle thing.

Yet, I didn’t. I resolved to honor my commitment and stick it out. I am so thankful I did. Within a few weeks, I was feeling comfortable, was developing trust, and I was creating a real bond with my new spiritual brothers and sisters. In the process of developing these relationships, my walk with the Lord grew stronger. Those in the Huddle not only encouraged me, but also kept me accountable. It was a great first step.

And, yes, it is just the first step. I have since been a part of several small groups. My family has grown just as my faith has grown. I encourage you to join a small group: a Bible Study, a Circle, a Prayer Group. If you put the time and effort in, you will be amazed at the result. You will not only grow in your faith,
but your spiritual family will increase. And isn’t developing a relationship with Jesus and others what Jesus wants us to do?

Give it a try. You won’t be disappointed.


Terri Venetta lives in Johnston where she enjoys gardening, canning, antiques, watercolors, wool rug hooking, reading and, most of all, her grandchildren.


Angels from the Realms of Glory