Go Out Into The World?
So here I am. Sitting in front of a blank computer screen wondering why I didn’t have the foresight to realize that writing this week’s ReConnect would be so challenging, especially knowing the current demands on my life. I also did not anticipate that lags in Wi-Fi would prevent me from hearing the sermon Sunday morning, a traffic back up would delay my trip back home and my watching of the recording would also be fraught with digitized frozen images and the constant squeaking of my Yorkie’s squeaky toy that challenged my patience and my focus. I knew it would be a real stretch to meet the deadline, but believed that if I managed my time well, I could do it.
It’s not that I have filled my life with extra activities and a life of hurry- it’s simply just life has been throwing me some curves- just a few...
It is the end of an unprecedented school year and my first year as a principal in a public school; weekends are dedicated to driving to help care for my elderly mother; weekdays that are filled with trying to provide extra meals & support to my brother-in-law who is preparing his home for the homecoming and rehabilitation of my sister-in-law who recently suffered a serious stroke and the constant keeping up with home and school. Add to that the stress of meeting the needs of parents, students and teachers who are frustrated and ready to be just done with the school year and now personally struggling with fatigue from developing anemia as a part of my ITP journey. Go out into the world???? I’m struggling just to get out of bed! Well at least there are no worries about keeping my word count down this time! Not sure how this reflection will turn out, but here goes!
The Great Commission. Do I know what it means? I do. As an educator in a religious school we began each school year, commissioning our staff. We focused on the scripture mentioned in Kyle’s sermon and yearly referred to as the Great Commission. Why, I even wrote a song entitled, “ We Are the Light-A Commissioning Song” based on Matthew 28: 18-20. Spreading the Good News in my little corner of the world has always been a part of my calling as an educator whether in a religious or public school. Each setting has many who are crying out for the Good News of Jesus. I knew what commissioning meant for me as an educator called to teach children.
Taking that calling to a Global outreach? Well, I am one of those who has always thought, that is just not my calling. I’m just not equipped for that kind of ministry. I could NEVER do that- it’s for someone else to do. I can pray and support missions from the safety and shelter of my home. And now once again, our beloved Pastor, as he often does, drops a bombshell in my lap that says, “God doesn’t equip you and then call you- he calls you-THEN equips you. I hate when this happens- and I have a paradigm shift.
As a seasoned educator, I have a very clear process for training. We research, study, master the concept then go. Clearly this does not fit my pattern of thinking or my prescribed process for learning. In my profession we equip then go. That’s just how it is done.
I’ve practiced this professionally, personally and even spiritually; I wanted to gain a deeper understanding of the spiritual gifts, particularly healing, so I did what teachers do. I studied and researched-hence the bulging and bowed bookshelves now filled with books that I’ve read, studied and digested into my intellect so that I will be prepared and equipped to move into a deeper spirituality and ministry. I’ve been equipping for several years now. After all this reading am I now prepared to go? Isn’t that the logical next step? Hmm, what if I have it backwards?
I have discovered over the last year that what matters most is my relationship with Jesus and pressing into to hear His voice, know His heart and follow in obedience where He leads me. In the past, I would have had clear boundaries on what that calling would be and where I would be willing to go. Today, I am not so sure.
My prayer for you and for me is that we openly seek the calling of God on our individual lives-regardless of age, health, profession, finances or preconceived notions of our own limitations. With God, there are no limits to the ways and places he calls us. As a church family and individual Christians can we be open to the Great Commission and prayerfully seek that calling on all of our lives.
Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
P.S. I still went over the word count limit!
Kay Suzelis and her husband Len live in Lake Milton, and Kay serves as the Intermediate School Principal for the LaBrae Local School District.