Show N’ Tell


When I was a young girl, I received a Tiny Tears baby doll as a gift.  It was “the” doll to have at the time.  I carried that doll everywhere.  How I loved her! I still have the doll today and I think it has weathered the last 60 years better than I have!

I could hardly wait for my turn at Show ‘N Tell at school.  Of course, I was taking my most prized possession – Tiny Tears.  I was going to tell the class all about her: how she could drink real water from a bottle, tears actually came out of her eyes, and she really wet her diaper. I had everything ready – the filled bottle, extra diapers and her best outfit. I couldn’t wait to show the class just how special she truly was.

The day finally arrived and I was so excited. I told the class everything and showed them what she could do.  My presentation was met with mixed reviews. The boys thought it was boring and silly to get excited about a doll that cried. The girls loved her.

As Holden preached on the two ways to share the Gospel (Proclamation and Demonstration), I was reminded of that Show ‘N Tell day many years ago. There were so many similarities.

As a Christian, am I as excited to share Jesus, my most prized treasure?  Am I eager to tell others all about him? To show the love, grace and forgiveness he so generously gives us? And  isn’t the reaction of our sharing a little similar to my Show ‘N Tell? Some welcome the Good News, others are not so happy when old beliefs are challenged.

Holden shared how both ways, proclamation and demonstration rely on one another. One is not better than the other. Would Show ‘N Tell be as fun if it was just Show? Or Tell? No, the best way to share is both: Show ‘N Tell!


Terri Venetta lives in Johnston where she enjoys gardening, canning, antiques, watercolors, wool rug hooking, reading and, most of all, her grandchildren


Pedaling Uphill


Be Reminded