The God Who Sees
On Monday morning I spontaneously read a devotional that I never read. I mean never. I found it in an email I received that morning, and I thought "why not?" The devotional was about Hagar and the God who sees. As I was getting ready for work the same morning, I started listening to the next passage on my Bible plan. Genesis 16 and 17 - Hagar and the God who sees.
Maybe that was a coincidence, but I've learned to notice repetition as a tool God often uses to get my attention.
As I was processing through Randi's message, I found myself loving the practical and hard-to-miss application but at the very same time wondering "how do I respond to this?" By nature, I'm not the "rage-out" type. I'm not one to engage in the typical social media warzone when I disagree with someone. If we were ever to get into a disagreement, I'd likely remain pretty calm. Not raging out, however, isn't the same as being one who reaches out.
I decided to put the two together and look at Randi's message through the lense of the God who sees us. Because God sees our unique situations and the things that aren't right in the world, we can have the confidence we need to reach out knowing that God can take care of the rest. We can pray for our enemies. We can offer love.
The more I understand how our brains respond to hard circumstances and see the effects of spiritual warfare on the world, the more I'm able to view what's wrong with the world (and myself) with compassion. I'm grateful that we have a God who sees far beyond my limited comprehension and provides the Holy Spirit to lead us as we seek to reach out with the Good News he's entrusted to us. We never, ever have to reach out without the God who sees it all.
Heather Garrett leads Regen's Prayer Team. She and her husband Holden live in Girard with their daughter Chloe and dog Myles.