God Has No Grandchildren
The sermon Sunday was powerful – all about gospel encounters. I listened. I took notes. I thought about
what I would write about my personal gospel encounters (as Kyle asked us to do).
Then he said four little words that jolted me. They were probably overlooked by most. They were said
rather off-handedly. Yet, they packed a punch with me.
Whoa! The reality hit me hard. I had a responsibility to not just model the Good News, not just be a loving Nana, not just go to church and pray for them. I had to share the Good News specifically and intentionally with my grandchildren. It simply wasn’t enough to hope they knew the Good News. Kyle had preached how the Good News was accepted by one generation, assumed by the next, confused by yet another and then, eventually, forgotten. I thought I had it figured out. Then he said those four little words.
Things just got real.
It isn’t just about this generation, or the next. This isn’t about random people. This is about my precious grandchildren.
Grandchildren have been the biggest blessing of my life. They bring me joy! Love for them fills my heart. Being mom to my three girls is a blessing, yet grandchildren are an entirely different dimension of joy. And I had a responsibility to share my gospel encounters with them.
My grandchildren would not be part of God’s family unless THEY had a personal gospel encounter with Jesus. It wasn’t going to happen by osmosis. I can’t do it for them. Their parents can’t do it for them. Yet, we can share our personal experiences with them.
My heart’s desire is for my grandchildren (and all my loved ones) to be “children of God.” It’s time to get real with them.
Is there someone in your life that you need to get real with? To be intentional about sharing the Good News? The time is now!
Terri Venetta lives in Johnston where she enjoys gardening, canning, antiques, watercolors, wool rug hooking, reading and, most of all, her grandchildren