Up, In Then Out


It can be so easy to read about the miracles done by the early Church believers, as in Acts 9:32-43, and quickly pass it by as something just meant for them and not for us, as believers today. In my personal experience, Biblical miracles have been easily diminished to simply amazing stories of the great heroes of our faith. And while these miracle stories are definitely that, they are also meant for so much more to us as believers today!

We know from Scripture that we are called to walk in miracles because Jesus said, “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father” (John 14:12). This promise is for all believers, including you and me.

We often wonder why we don’t see many, if any, miracles in our day and time. I’m sure there are several reasons for this, but I believe a main one is that we have yet to realize and believe that the Lord longs for us to walk in signs and wonders for the sake of those who do not yet know Him. In the Bible, miracles were always a catalyst to many people coming to know and believe in Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Miracles have always been a way that the Lord has chosen to partner with His people in mission for lost souls to come into His kingdom.

So, once we realize and believe that we have indeed been called to walk in signs and wonders, how do we actually walk it out?

I think it was said well at church this past weekend: We need to go up, in and then out. Just like the early Church, our main focus and devotion of heart needs to always be on our God. Secondly, we need to surround ourselves with His Body - the Church - and allow ourselves to be invested in by other believers and grow in community with one another. Lastly, and only after those two are in place, we need to seek the Lord to use us for the sake of bringing lost souls into His kingdom. I believe with all of my heart that when those first two are in place in our hearts, that the Lord, in His perfect timing, is able to entrust us with His partnership in going out and walking in signs and wonders for the sake of bringing in a great harvest of souls.


Vanessa and her husband Tommy live in Howland with their son Asher, and Vanessa serves on the Regen Worship Team.


The Path to Imitation


Standing on the Threshold